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Karkar Chin


​現就讀香港演藝學院戲劇學院四年級,主修表演,獲頒 2022 - 2024 年滙豐香港獎學金,並連續四年獲得入學及傑出獎學金。2022 年於校內製作《天真與世故之歌》擔任現場演奏樂手,包括古箏、大提琴、鋼琴、電結他、低音電結他及烏克麗麗,與樂隊成員一同獲頒校內最佳音樂組獎。


熱愛瑜伽、唱歌、跳舞、形體與音樂創作,已考獲美國瑜伽聯盟認可200小時瑜伽導師、英國皇家舞蹈學院芭蕾舞專業四級 (Advanced 1)、澳洲聯邦舞蹈教師協會爵士舞第六級,並於 2018 年完成 PTI 專業形體戲劇青年訓練課程。


2019 年畢業於香港中文大學新聞與傳播學院,曾任職新聞主播及記者,希望以藝術修行、對抗荒謬,尋找反叛的空間和飛翔的自由。

Karkar is currently a Year-4 student in HKAPA Drama School, majoring in Acting.  She has been awarded Hong Kong HSBC Scholarship from 2022 to 2024 and HKAPA Recruitment & Outstanding Scholarships in four consecutive years.  In her first school production “Songs of Innocence and Experience”, she performed as a live-band musician with guzheng, cello, violin, piano, electric guitar, bass guitar and ukulele and has been awarded The Outstanding Actor-Musicians with her bandmates.

She is a qualified yoga teacher who received the RYT 200 teaching certification from the Yoga Alliance of the United States.  She loves singing and dancing especially ballet, contemporary and pole dance.  She has attained RAD Advanced 1 Ballet with Distinction and CSTD Grade 6 Modern Jazz with Honours.  She has also completed PTI Professional Physical Theatre Youth Training Programme in 2018.

She graduated from the School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK in 2019 and worked as a News Anchor and Reporter in local news broadcasting industry.  She is a perfectionist who likes to work all the time, forget her meals and sleep less, but paradoxically she gets fed up easily.

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